Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Devi Mandodhari describes the Vishwaroopa of supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra


Chapter - 15– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Devi Mandodhari describes the Vishwaroopa of supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra


Devi Mandodhari spoke in tears “Oh! Prabho, kindly leave your illusion, he is supreme Lord personified as the son of King of Kosala, is the jewel of Raghu’s clan. He is the absolute Bhramam, which is the essence of infinite Bhramanda, even the Vedas are incompetent to eulogize his glories as ‘Na: Ithi, Na: Ithi”. Oh! Prabho, the Veda eulogizes the supreme Lord Rama whose feet are Pathaloka, and his head symbolizes Bhramaloka, his limbs represent the rest of the spheres. The mere quiver of his eyebrows represents death, the two eyes represent Sun and moon respectively. His dark curly hair locks represent the clouds, his nostrils represent Ashwini Kumaras, the movement of his eyes represent the days and nights, his ears represent the ten quarters. His breath represents Vayu/air, and the speech represents Veda, his teeth represent death, his laughter represents Maya/illusion, his arms represent ten quarters, his mouth represents fire, his tongue represents Varuna/water. He performs the functions of creation, preservation, and destruction of the Universe and its living and non-living things. The line of hairs on his navel represents the entire vegetable Kingdom, his bones represent mountains, his veins represent rivers, his stomach represents the ocean and the genitals represent Agni, in short, he is the supreme Bhramam, Sacchidhanandhaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam, Lord of the Universe personified as the son of King of Kosala.”


Biswaroopa Raghubamsa  Mani karahu Bachana Biswasu | Loka Kalpana Bedha Kara Anga Anga  Prathi Jasu ||

Padha Pathala Seesa Aja Dhama | Apara Loka Anga Anga Bishrama || Bhrukuti Bisala Bhayankara  Kala | Nayana Dhivakara Kacha Ghana Mala || Jasu Ghrana Asvinikumara | Nisi Aru Dhivasa Nimesha Apara || Shravana Dhisa Dhasa Bedha Bakhani | Marutha Syama  Nigama Nija Bani || Adhara  Lobha Jama Dhasana  Karala | Maya  Hasa Bahu Dhigpala || Aanana Anala Ambupathi Jeeha | Uthapathi Palana  Pralaya Sameeha || Roma Raji Ashtadhasa Bhara | Asthi Saila Saritha Nasa Jara || Udhara Udhadhi Aghago Jathana | Jagamaya Prabhu Ka Bahu Kalpana ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Rama shot an arrow aiming at the umbrella which ornates the throne of Ravana, and Devi Mandodhari’s ear ornament


Chapter - 14– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Rama shot an arrow aiming at the umbrella which ornates the throne of Ravana, and Devi Mandodhari’s ear ornament

Lord Sri Ramachandra released the arrow aiming at the umbrella-like dome where Ravana was seated, soon the umbrella and Devi Mandoodhari’s ear ornament fell on the ground with a loud noise before the audience, but none could trace out what was happened, the arrow released was returned to Rama’s quiver, everyone in the audience were startled at the mysterious incident, there was no Earthquake or hurricane, or did not find any weapon, everyone assumed that whatever happened was an indication of inauspicious omen. Dhashanan understood that the audience are terrified, he covered up his anxiousness with a boisterous laugh and spoke mockingly “Oh! Friends, mere tumbling down my crown on the ground is not considered an inauspicious omen, how it would be considered as a bad omen, whose sacrifice of ten heads in the fire turned out as a boon of Lord Shambhu? Therefore, we shall dismiss the assembly for today.” All the guests were bowed before Ravana and returned to their homes in extreme anguish. Devi Mandodhari was not free from anxiousness, tears overflowing down her cheeks, she begged before Ravana with folded hands “Oh! Beloved Lord, kindly listen to my prayers, kindly leave your animosity against Lord Sri Ramachandra, do not consider him as an ordinary human.”


Cchathra Mukuta  Thadanka Thab Hathe Yekahi Bana | Sab Ke  Dhekhath Mahi Pare Maramu Na Koau Jana|| Asa Kauthuka  Kari Rama Sara Prabiseau Aayi Nishanga | Ravana Sabha Sasamka Sab Dhekhi Maha Rasabhanga ||


 Kampa Na Bhoomi Na Marutha  Bishesha | Asthhra  Sasthra Kacchu Nayana Na Dhekha || Sochahi Sab Nija Hridhaya Majjari | Asaguna  Bhayau Bhayankara Bhari || Dhasamukha Dhekhi Sabha Bhayapayi | Bihasi Bachana Kaha Juguthi Banayi || Sirau Gire Santhatha Subha Jahi | Mukuta  Pare Kasa Asaguna Thahi || Sayana Karahu Nija Nija Griha Jayi | Gavane  Bhavana Sakala Sira Nayi || Mandhodhari Soch Ura  Baseau | Jab The Shravanapura Mahi Khaseau || Sajala Nayana Kaha Juga Kara Jori | Sunahu Pranapathi Binathi Mori || Kantha Rama Birodha Pariharahu| Jani Manuja Jani Hada Mana Dharahu ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Vibheeshana explains the amusement of celestial Apsara and Gandharvas in the fortress of Ravana


Chapter - 13– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Vibheeshana explains the amusement of celestial Apsara and Gandharvas in the fortress of Ravana


Hanuman spoke “oh! Prabho, Sri Ramachandra, the moon is your beloved servant, hence he has enshrined your image on his heart that appears as a dark patch on the chest of the moon.” Lord Rama smiled at the description of the son of Vayu/Pavanathanaya, stared toward the south, the compassionate Lord spoke “Oh! Vibheeshana, look at the clouds gathering at a great speed towards the southern quarter and the lightning flashes are all over, the lowering clouds may pour down heavily, I expect heavy hail-storm.” Vibheeshana replied “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Kripala, there is no lightning or mass of clouds, it is the grand amusement hall situated on the top of the fortress of Ravana, that hosts the dance and music of celestial apsaras and Gandharvas for Ravana. This stunning hall is decorated with the large dome-shaped umbrella above the head of Ravana gives out the appearance of a cluster of clouds. Oh! Lord of Gandharva, the ear ornaments, and the jewels adorned on the body of Devi Mandodhari who is seated next to Ravana give out the appearance of a flash of lightning, and the sounds of cymbals, drum beats, and the sweet music of Gandharvas resemble the rumbling noises.” Rama smiled perceiving the arrogance of Ravana, he fastened the bow and added an arrow on the string.


Kaha Hanumantha Sunahu Prabhu Sasi Thumhara Priya Dhasa | Thava Moorathi Bidhu Ura  Basathi Soyi Syamatha Aabasa ||

Pavanathanaya Ke Bachana Suni Bihase Ramu Sujana | Dhacchina Dhisi Avaloki Prabhu Bole  Kripanidhana ||

Dhekhu Bibeeshana Dhacchina Aasa | Ghana Ghamanda  Dhamini Bilasa || Madhura Madhura  Garajayi Ghana Ghora | Hoyi Brishti Jani Upala Kadora || Kahatha Bibeeshana Sunahu Kripala | Hoyi Na  Thaditha Na Baridha Mala || Lanka Sikhara Upara Aagara | Thaha Dhasakandhara Dhekha Akhara || Cchathra Meghadambara  Sira Dhari | Soyi Janu Jaladha Ghata Athikari || Mandhodhari Shravana Thadanka | Soyi Prabhu Janu Dhamini Dhamka || Bajahi Thala Mridhanga Anoopa | Soyi Rava  Madhura Sunahu Surabhoopa || Prabhu Musukana Samujji Abhimana | Chapa Chadayi Bana  Sandhana ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Rama’s pleasing conversation with the Vanaras


Chapter - 12– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Rama’s pleasing conversation with the Vanaras


Rama who is the personification of virtue, wisdom, tranquility, and beauty rested for a while, the poets who described the marvelous site and envisioned the mesmerizing looks of that Lord are truly fortunate. Rama pointed out the moon “Look at the untainted moon, appears as Mrigapathi/lion emerged out from the eastern quarter as its cave, gracefully moving on the sky that resembles the dense wood, to conquer the cluster of enemies like untamed elephants of darkness in the sky. The twinkling of stars appears as a garland of pearls decorated all over the sky to serve the night.  Oh! Comrade, how do you describe the dark spot on the moon?” Sugriva spoke “Oh! Lord Rama, I feel the dark spot on the moon is the shadow of the Earth.” Another one replied, “It was the scar caused by the demon Rahu who struck the moon.” Someone said, “It is the scar on the chest of the moon.” And another one said, “It was when Lord Bhrama created the most beautiful woman Devi Rathi who is the consort of Lord Kamadeva, he took the essence of the moon to beautify Devi Rathi, that left a scar on the moon, is still visible on the chest of the moon.” Lord Rama spoke “Oh! Friends, the poison is the beloved brother of the moon, he lodged his brother on his heart caused to diffuse the venom that created taint on the moon, same as the pain from the separation of beloved people.”


Yehi Bidhi Kripa Roopa Gunadhama Ramu Aaseena | Dhanya The Nara Yehi Dhyana Je Rahatha Sadha  Layaleena ||Poorab Dhisa Biloki Prabhu Dhekha Udhitha Mayanka | Kahatha Sabahi Dhekhahu Sasihi Mrigapathi Sarisa  Asanka ||

Poorab Dhisi Giriguha Nivasi | Parama Prathapa Theja Balarasi || Maththa Naga Thama Kumbha Bidhari | Sasi Kesari Gagana  Banachari || Bithure Nabha Mukuthahala Thara | Nisi Sundhari Kera  Singara || Kaha Prabhu Sasi Mahu Mechakathayi | Kahahu Kaha Nija Nija Mathi Bhayi || Kaha Sugreevah Sunahu Raghurayi | Sasi Mahu Pragata Bhoomi Kai Jjayi || Mareau Rahu Sasihi  Kaha Koyi | Ura Maha Pari  Syamatha Soyi || Koau Kaha Jab Bidhi Rathi Mukha Keenha | Sara Bhaga Sasi Kara Hari Leenha || Cchidhra So Pragata Indhu Ura  Mahi | Thehi  Maga Dhikhia Nabha Paricchahi || Prabhu Kaha Garala Bandhu Sasi Kera | Athipriya Nija Ura  Dheenha Basera || Bisha  Sanjutha Kara Nikara Pasari | Jaratha Birahavantha Nara  Nari ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Lord Rama and the large number of Vanaras camped on the peak of Mount Suvela


Chapter - 11– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Lord Rama and the large number of Vanaras camped on the peak of Mount Suvela


Ravana enjoyed the luxuries that outshined one hundred times of Lord Indra, without any fear or anxieties of his enemies who were at his doorstep. Lord of Raghu and his multitudes of the army of Vanaras and bears camped on the marvelous Mount Suvela. Lakshmana has chosen a beautiful place for Lord Rama to relax.  Lakshman spread the deer skin on top of tender leaves and flowers collected in huge quantities, Rama took a seat on the deerskin, he kept his head on the lap of Sugrivah, and placed his bow and arrow on the right and left, keeping his lotus arms on the quiver, while Lankesa Vibheeshana whispered something on the ears of the Lord of Raghu.  The fortunate Vanaras, Hanuman, and Angadha caressed the lotus feet of the Lord, and Lakshman who was wielded on bow and arrow, all prepared to attack the enemies took a seat behind Lord Rama.


Sunasira Sath Sarisa So Santhatha Karayi Bilasa | Parama Prabala Ripu Seesa Par Thadhdhyapi Soch Na  Thrasa ||

Iha Subela Saila Raghubeera | Uthare Sena sahitha  Athi Bheera || Sikhara Yek Uthanga Athi Dhekhi | Parama Ramya Sama  Subhra Biseshi || Thaha Tharu Kisalaya Sumana Suhaye | Lacchimana Rachi  Nija Hatha Dasaye || Tha Para Ruchira Mridhula Mrigacchala | Thehi Aasana Aaseena Kripala || Prabhu Kritha Seesa Kapeesa Ucchanga | Bama Dhahina Dhisi Chapa Nishanga || Dhuhu Kara Kamala Sudharatha Bana | Kaha Lankesa Manthra Lagi Karana || Badabhagi Angadha Hanumana | Charana Kamala Chapatha Bidhi Nana || Prabhu Pacche  Lacchimana Beerasana| Kati Nishanga Kara Bana  Sarasana ||


Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Prahastha was humiliated in the large assembly – The palace of Ravana was decorated in a grand manner to host the amusement of celestials and Gandharvas


Chapter -10 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Prahastha was humiliated in the large assembly – The palace of Ravana was decorated in a grand manner to host the amusement of celestials and Gandharvas


Prahastha spoke “Oh! Father, if you return Devi Sita there won’t be any battle at all, otherwise, be prepared to meet him face to face on the battlefield. If you accept my proposal, your glories would be sing in three worlds, in either way you will be remembered.” Dhashanan was extremely raged listening to his son Prahastha, shrieked in fury “Oh! Fool, who has taught you such wisdom? Oh! Son, if you entertain such doubtfulness, then you are nothing but a thorny bush in the cluster of bamboo that can’t contribute any good to the bamboos.” Prahastha was humiliated in the large assembly, walked out hastily murmuring “The favorable words won’t work sometime, like the medicine injected to a person who is ordained to death.” Thus, at the arrival of dusk, the ten-headed Ravana walked to his palace proudly looking at his twenty powerful arms, the magnificent palace hall was ready to host the dance and music of Apsaras and Gandharvas, the entire palace hall was arranged in a grand manner.

Nari Payi Phiri  Jahi  Jau Thau Na  Badayia  Rari | Nahi Tha Sanmukha Samara Mahi Thatha Karia Hadi Mari ||

Yaha Matha Jau Manahu Prabu Mora | Ubhaya Prakara Sujasu Jaga Thora || Sutha San Kaha Dhasakanda Risayi | Asi Mathi Sad Kehi Thohi Sikhayi || Abahi The Ura Samsaya Hoyi | Benumoola Sutha Bhayahu Ghamoyi || Suni Pithu Gira Parusha Athi  Ghora | Chala Bhavana Kahi Bachana Kadora || Hitha Matha Thohi Na Lagatha Kaise | Kala Bibasa Kahau Bheshaja Jaise || Sandhya Samaya Jani Dhasaseesa | Bhavana Chaleau Nirakhatha Bhuja Beesa || Lanka Sikhara  Upara  Agara | Athi Bichithra Thaha  Hoyi Akhara || Baita Jayi Thehi Mandhira Ravana | Lage  Kinnara  Gunagana Gavana|| Bajahi Thala Pakhauja  Beena | Nrithya  Karahi Apachara Prabeena ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Lanka Kanda – Prahastha’s /son of Ravana’s advice to his father


Chapter -9 – Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Lanka Kanda – Prahastha’s /son of Ravana’s advice to his father


Prahastha, son of Ravana after listening to the meaningless comments of the ministers, bowed before his father and spoke with folded hands “Oh! Father, the ministers have lost their minds, it is not statecraft to devour enemies who are prepared to battle against us, it proves that our ministers have possessed very little knowledge about our enemies. Oh! Lord, all your ministers speak only the words that please you, I do not think you can achieve success with their advice. The people of Lanka still remember a Vanara that destroyed the pleasure gardens, burnt the city of Lanka, and caused mayhem. Oh! Lord, I have to ask you one thing, why did the ministers leave that Vanara who destroyed the city of Lanka, are they were not feeling hungry? Why did you leave Vanara while he was burning the city of Lanka? Your ministers are giving advice that pleases you at this moment, but it cannot save you from the destruction of the clan. Do you think Lord of Raghu is an ordinary human, after all, he has constructed a huge bridge across the mighty ocean as a mere sport and crossed the mountain Suvela with all his warriors? Do you still believe that you can devour them all? Our ministers have completely lost their minds. Oh! Dear Father, do not consider me a coward, I shall tell you the truth, kindly pay attention to my words. There are a very few who listen to the pleasant advice, kindly send an emissary to Lord Rama, and restore Devi Janaki to the Lord, and make a peace treaty with him.”


Sab Ke Bachana Shravana Suni Kaha Prahastha Kara Jori| Neethi Birodha Na Karia Prabhu Manthrinha Mathi Athi Thori ||

Kahahi Sachiva  Sad  Takurasohathi | Natha Na  Poora Aava yehi Bhanthi || Barithi Nadhi Yek Kapi Aava | Thasu Charitha Mana Mahau Sabu Gava || Choodha Na Rahi Thumhahi Thab Kahu | Jaratha Nagaru Kasa Na Dhari Khahu || Sunatha Neeka  Aage  Dhukhapava | Sachivana Asa Matha Prabhuhi Sunava || Jehi Bareesa Badhayau Hela | Uthareau Sena Sametha Subela || So Bhanu Manuja Khaba Hama Bhayi | Bachana Kahahi Sab Gala Phulayi || Thatha Bachana Mama Sunu Athi Aadhara | Jani Man Gunahu Mohi Kari Kadhara || Priya Bani Je Sunahi Je Kahahi | Yese Nara  Nikaya Jaga Ahahi || Bachana Paramahitha Sunatha Kadore | Sunahi Je  Kahahi The Nara Prabhu Thore || Prathama Baseeda Padau Sunu Neethi | Seetha Dheyi Karahu Puni Preethi ||