Monday, October 4, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Rama and Lakshman bade farewell to King Janaka, families, preceptors, and people of Ayodhya and Mithila


Chapter – 312– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Rama and Lakshman bade farewell to King Janaka, families, preceptors, and people of Ayodhya and Mithila


Bharatha and Shathrughna prepared to leave the woods, Bharatha embraced Lakshman, meanwhile Shthrughna prostrated before Lakshman, then they both prostrated before Devi Sita and adorned the dust particles from her feet on their forehead and eyes, received an abundance of blessings from Devi Sita which is the source of all kinds of auspiciousness, finally they bade farewell to Rama, Lakshman, and Devi Sita. Rama and Lakshman prostrated before King Janaka and pacified in many ways “ Oh! Prabho, you have taken all the troubles to visit the woods with your family and people, you have showered an abundance of love on us, you have been in the forest to comfort us and survived in the limited comforts of the woods, now kindly bestow your blessings on us and return to the Kingdom of Mithila.” King Janaka regained courage and returned with his people to Mithila. Rama honored the Sages, Rishis, and twice-born accompanied the King, considered them as Lord Hari and Hara, and bade farewell to them. Rama and Lakshman visited their mothers-in-law, and prostrated before them, received their blessings. Rama and Lakshman approached Sage Kaushika, Vamadeva, Jabali, the prominent people of Ayodhya, ministers, twice-born, and prostrated before them, honored them with wise words, in this way he met all those people assembled from rich and poor class, was treated with great respect.

Lakhanahi Bheti Pranamu Kari Sira Dhari Siya Padha Dhoori | Chale Saprema Aseesa Suni Sakala Sumangala Moori ||

Sanuja Rama Nripahi Sira Nayi | Keenhi Bahuth Bidhi Binaya Badayi || Deva Daya Basa Bada  Dhukhu Payau | Sahitha Samaja Kananhi Aayau || Pura Pagu Dharia Dheyi Aseesa | Keenha Dheera Dhari Gavanu Maheesa || Muni Mahideva Sadhu Sanmane| Bidha Kiye Hari Hara Sama Jane || Sasu Sameepa Gaye  Dhoau Bhayi | Phire Bandhi Paga Aasisha Payi || Kausika Bamadeva Jabali | Purajana Parijana Sachiva Suchali || Jaya Jogu Kari Binaya Pranama | Bidha Kiye Sab Sanuja Rama || Nari Purusha Laghu Madhya Badere | Sab Sanmani Kripanidhi Phere||

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha and Shathrughna leaving the Chithrakoot after obtaining permission from Rama


Chapter – 312– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha and Shathrughna leaving the Chithrakoot after obtaining permission from Rama

The Rishis, Sages, and hermits assembled were overwhelmed with various emotions couldn’t speak, or act lost all their reasoning ability and dispassion watching the boundless love and affection of Rama and Bharatha. Sage Vashishta and King Janaka lost their words, can’t be called it as a mundane, even the excellent poets would find it difficult to describe that occasion, it was the love embodied as Rama and Bharatha which would shrink the articulateness. Rama embraced Bharatha and pacified him, then he moved to Shathrughna and embraced him, immediately the ministers, attendants, and people assembled were dispersed their ways in order to leave Bharatha alone for a while to regain his courage. The people of Ayodhya and Mithila began preparation for their journey back to the Kingdom, they were disappointed to leave the forest. Bharatha and Shathrughna hold the wooden sandals on their head, bowed before Rama and Devi Sita, after seeking permission from Rama, they set out for the journey to Ayodhya, the Sages and Rishis blessed them and deities honored them again and again.

Theau Biloki Raghubara Bharatha Preethi Anoopa Apara | Bhaye Magana Mana Thana Bachana Sahitha Biraga Bichara ||

Jaha Janaka Guru Gathi Mathi Bhori | Pakritha Preethi Kahatha Badi Khori || Baranatha Raghubara Bharatha Biyogu | Suni Kadora Kabi Janihi Logu || So Sakocha Rasu Akatha Subani | Samau Sanehu Sumiri Sakuchani || Bheti Bharathu Raghubara Samujjaye | Puni Ripudhavanu Harashi Hiya  Laye || Sevaka Sachiva  Bharatha Rukha Payi | Nija  Nija  Kaja Lage Sab Jayi || Suni Dharuna Dhukhu Dhuhu Samaja | Lage  Chalana Ke Sajana Saja || Prabhupadha Padhuma Bandhi Dhoau Bhayi | Chale Seesa Dhari Rama Rajayi || Muni Thapasa Banadeva Nihori | Sab Sanmani Bahori Bahori ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha bade-farewell to Rama


Chapter – 311– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha bade-farewell to Rama


Bharatha was reverentially prostrated before Rama clasped his feet, and sought permission to leave the woods, the deities have taken advantage of this situation and made the people wearier of forest life. Even the adverse situation has proved to be a boon in the presence of the Supreme Lord, they all have made up their mind to survive until the return of their Lord after fourteen years of life in the woods, otherwise, they would have been afflicted with the grief of separation from Rama, Lakshman, and Devi Sita. Thus, Lord Rama removed the trepidations of the deities, and the deities turned favorable to the people of Ayodhya, Rama embraced Bharatha, thus the two brothers remained in the embrace for a while, the love and affection shared by the two brothers were beyond words. Rama’s body, mind, and speeches were arrested with love for his brother, tears overflowing through the lotus-like eyes, even the deities were heartbroken watching the love of two brothers. The host of Sages, Sages Vasishta, Vamadeva, King Janaka who are renounced souls, free from attachment and dispassionate nature could not control their tears.

Mageau Bidha Pranamu Kari Rama Liye Ura Layi | Loga  Uchate Amarapathi Kutila Kuavasaru Payi ||

So Kuchali Sab Kaha Bhayi Neeki | Avadhi Aasa Sama Jeevani Ji Ki|| Natharu Lakhana Siyarama Biyoga | Hahari Maratha Sab Loga  Kuroga || Ramakripa Avareba Sudhari | Bibudha Dhari Bhayi Gunadha Gohari || Bhetath Bhuja Bhari Bhayi Bharatha So | Ramaprema Rasu Kahi Na Paratha So || Than Man Bachana Umaga Anuraga | Dheera Dhurandhara Dheeraju Thyaga || Barija Lochana Mochatha Bari | Dhekhi Dhasa Sura Sabha  Dhukhari || Munigana Guru Dhura Dheera Janaka Se | Gyana Anala Mana Kase Kanaka Se || Je Biranchi Niralepa Upaye | Padhuma  Pathra Jimi Jaga Jala Jaye ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha reverentially receives the wooden sandal/Padhuka of Rama


Chapter – 310– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha reverentially receives the wooden sandal/Padhuka of Rama


Sage Tulasidas says the mouth is the important part of the body, which supplies food for the nourishment of the whole body. Lord Rama pacified Bharatha with his sweet nectar-like words “Oh! Thatha, the duty, and responsibilities of the King are sincerely following the Shashthra” in this way Prabhu Sriram comforted Bharatha in many ways, but Bharatha could not find a solace unless and until receive something to remember Prabhu Sriram in his absence. Lord Rama felt embarrassed watching the crowd of assembly, and his love for Bharatha on the other side, finally Lord of Raghu removed his wooden sandals and offered to Bharatha was reverentially received and placed on his head. The wooden sandals of the all-merciful Lord resembled the guardian of the Kingdom of Ayodhya, it was the precious jewel of Bharatha’s love at the lotus feet of Rama, it represents the two sacred syllables ‘Ra Ma’ which removes the grief and miseries of worldly existence and provide liberation from the repeated births, it resembled the two giant doors to protect the clan of Raghu’s, it was the two hands that abundantly grace the performance of the righteous deeds and guide the Jeeva through the noble path. Bharatha was transported to a state of bliss after receiving the wooden sandals from Rama, he considered it is Lord Rama and Devi Sita, agreed to return to the Kingdom of Ayodhya for the welfare of all.

Mukhia Mukhu  So chahiye Khan Pan Kaha Yek | Palayi Poshayi Sakala Anga Tulasi Sahitha Bibeka ||

Rajadharama Sarabasu Yethanoyi | Jimi Mana Maha Manoratha Goyi || Bandhu Prabodhu Keenha Bahu Bhanthi | Binu Aadhara Mana Thoshu Na Santhi || Bharatha Seela Guru Sachiva Samaju | Sakucha Saneha Bibasa Raghuraju || Prabhu Kari Kripa  Pavari Dheenhi | Sadhara Bharatha Seesa Dhari Leenhi || Charanapeeda Karunanidhana Ke | Janu Juga  Jamika Prajaprana Ke || Samputa  Bharatha Saneha Rathana Ke | Aakhara Juga Janu Jeeva  Jathana Ke || Kula Kapata Kara Kusala Karama Ke | Bimala Nayana Seva  Sudharama Ke || Bharatha Mudhitha Avalamba Lahe The | Asa Sukha Jasa Siya Ramu Rahe The ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Rama advises Bharatha to return to Ayodhya and rule the Kingdom under the guidance of the preceptors


Chapter – 309– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Rama advises Bharatha to return to Ayodhya and rule the Kingdom under the guidance of the preceptors


The Supreme Lord Rama who is the companion of the distressed, was pleased to listen to the guileless and soft speeches of Bharatha, began to speak words appropriate for the time, zone and situation “Oh! Dear brother, it was our preceptor Sage Vashishta and the King of Mithila who has taken a decision for the welfare of you and me, as well as the people of Ayodhya. Sage Vishwamithra, Sage Vashishta, Vamadeva, and King of Mithila are our guardians, they have decided who should live in the forest and who should be in the Kingdom of Ayodhya, hence leave all your apprehensions, you can’t even dream of troubles in their guidance. We, two brothers, have achieved highest of the piousness, our achievement in the material life, spiritual life, virtues, and fame lies in following the command of our father. The fruitfulness of our life lies in following the command of our father who keeps up his promise always and proves this world to follow the perceptions of the Veda. Whoever follows the instructions of the Preceptor, parents, Veda, and Master/Lord, never face mishaps even if they ride along the troubled path. Therefore, leave all your fear and anxiousness, and return to Ayodhya, rule the Kingdom wisely for the designated period of time. The responsibility of the protection of treasury, lands, fortresses, wealth, richness of the Kingdom and its subjects lies on the lotus feet of our preceptors. You have to protect the Earth, and the people of Ayodhya, sincerely following the instruction of our preceptors, Sage Vashishta, Sage Vamadeva, the chief of Minister Sumanthra, and our mothers Devi Kausalya, Devi Sumithra, and Devi Kaikeyi.”

Dheenabandhu Suni Bandhu Ke Bachana Dheena  Chalaheena | Desa Kala Avasara Sarisa Bole Ramu Prabeena ||

Thatha Thumhari Mori  Parijana Ki | Chintha Gurahi Nripahi Ghar Bana Ki || Mathe Para Guru Muni Mithilesu | Hamahi Thumhahi Sapanehu Na Kalesu || Mora Thumhara Parama Purusharththu | Swarathu Sujasu Dharamu Paramarathu || Pithu Ayasu Palihi Dhuyi Bhayi | Loka Bedha Bhala Bhoopa Bhalayi || Guru PIthu Mathu Swami Sikha Pale | Chalehu Kumaga Paga Parahi Na Khale || Asa  Bichari Sab Socha Bihayi | Palahu Avadha Avadhi Bhari Jayi || Desu Kosu Parijana Parivaru | Gurupadha Rajahi Laga Ccharubharu || Thumha Muni Mathu Sachiva Sikha Mani | Palehu Puhumi Praja Rajadhani ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha seeking the advice of Rama on how to conduct the worship of Lord of Raghu


Chapter – 308– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha seeking the advice of Rama on how to conduct the worship of Lord of Raghu


Bharatha spoke fervently “Oh! Deenadhayala, Oh! Kripala, Oh! Kosalapala, kindly advise me how shall I practice worship of my Master, Lord of Raghu at your lotus feet in the absence of you during your life in the woods. Oh! Prabho, the subjects of your kingdom, your companions and relatives were extremely happy in your presence, because of your kindness and compassion, they have considered the grief of worldly existence, death and birth are trivial in your presence, but in your absence, it is not possible for them to achieve the state of serenity and peace. Oh! Prabho, you are the protector of Jeeva, you are the source of welfare and auspiciousness, you are inseparable from the Jeevathma, you are that supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, hence kindly take into consideration of the people of Ayodhya, families, and companions, Oh! Prabho, I am not least disturbed, I am certain that My Master will take consideration of all these matters and I still remember the kindness of my Master that removed my fear, grief, and anxiousness, and wiped off the flaws in me, Oh! Prabho, kindly advise me, and instruct this servant to follow your orders blamelessly.” The whole assembly of Brahmins, Rishis, Sages, preceptors, people of Ayodhya, and Mithila cheered “Bharatha is righteous like the swan that separates the milk from the water.”

Jehi Upaya Puni Paya Janu Dhekhai Dheenadhayala | So  Sikha Dheyia Avadhi Lagi Kosalapala Kripala ||

Purajana Parijana Praja Gosayi | Sab Suchi Sarasa Saneha Sagayi || Raura Badhi Bhala Bhavadhukha Dhahu | Prabhu Binu Badhi Paramapadha Lahu || Swami Sujanu Jani Sab Hi Ki | Ruchi Lalasa Rahani Jana Ji Ki || Pranathapalu Palihi Sab Kahu | Dheau Dhuhu Dhisi Aur Nibahu || Asa Mohi Sab Bidhi Bhoori Bharoso | Kiya Bicharu Na Sochu Kharo  So || Aarathi Mor Natha Kara Cchohu | Dhuhu Mili Keenha Deedu Hadi Mohu || Yaha Bada Dhoshu Dhoori Kari Swami | Thaji Sakocha Sikhayia Anugamai || Bharatha Binaya Suni Sabahi Prasamsi | Kheera Neera Bibarana Gathi Hamsi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha requests Rama's permission to return to Ayodhya


Chapter – 307– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha requests Rama's  permission to return to Ayodhya


Bharatha visited the entire Chithrakoot and the sacred places in five days, on the last day the hermits and people along with Bharatha and Shathrughna spend their day discussing the glorious myths of Lord Hari and Lord Hara till the arrival of the dusk.  On the next morning, after performing ablutions, all the people, hermits, Sages, and Rishis, illustrious twice-born in large number, King of Mithila and Bharatha assembled before the Lord of Raghu. Rama perceived that the day was highly auspicious to return for all those people who have conducted journey to wood, but the compassionate Lord Rama did not utter a word or hurt the people assembled before him. Rama looked at preceptor Sage Vashishta and King of Mithila, at the very next moment, he withdrew his eyes in nervousness and stared at the ground. The whole assembly praised the kindness of Rama, realized that they could not find an ideal Master considerate as Rama in the whole Universe. Bharatha who is clever and thoughtful perceived the wish of Rama, he rose from the seat and prostrated before the assembly and Lord Rama, and spoke fervently “Oh! Prabho, you have fulfilled all my wishes and you have suffered a lot of hardships in the woods, in addition to that we have put you in a lot of inconveniences. Oh! Prabho, Lord Sri Ramachandra, kindly give us permission to leave, so that I may go back to Ayodhya and patiently wait for your safe return.”

Dhekhe Thala Theeratha Sakala Bharatha Panch Dhin Majj | Kahatha Sunatha Harihara Sujasu Gayau Dhivasu Bhayi Sanjja ||

Bhora Nyahayi Sabu  Jura Samaju | Bharatha Bhoomisura Therahuthi Raju || Bhala Dhina Aaju Jani Man Mahi | Ramu Kripala Kahatha Sakuchahi || Guru Nripa Bharatha Sabha Avaloki | Sakuchi Rama Phiri Avani Biloki || Seela Sarahi Sabha Sab Sochi | Kaha Na Rama Sama  Swami Sakochi || Bharatha Sujana Rama Rukha Dhekhi | Udi Saprema Dhari Dheera Bisheshi || Kari  Dhandavath Kahatha Kara Jori | Rakhi Natha Sakala Ruchi Mori || Mohi Lagi Saheau Sabahi Santhapu | Bahutha Bhanthi Dhukhu Pava Aapu || Ab Gosayi Mohi Dheau Rajayi | Sevau Avadha Avadhi Bhari Jayi ||