Saturday, October 2, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha and Shathrughna visiting the sacred lands in the Chitrakoot


Chapter – 306– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha and Shathrughna visiting the sacred lands in the Chitrakoot

There was nothing to surprise that everything turned out auspicious to Bharatha who is dear as life to Rama, and Mother Earth showed great hospitality to the beloved brothers of Rama, even the ordinary Jeeva who utters the name ‘Rama’ while yawning would achieve all the supernatural powers with the grace of that benevolent Lord. In this way, Bharatha visited the entire land of Chitrakoot, while the hermits and Sages got abashed watching the love and devotion of Bharatha at the lotus feet of Rama. The beautiful forest, ponds, rivers, streams, and inhabitants, birds and animals of the woods, cluster of auspicious trees thriving with flowers and succulent fruits, creepers and plants in an abundance of alluring flowers of rich fragrances, multiplied the beauty of the Chitrakoot. Bharatha was fascinated by watching the incomparable beauty of the forest, curiously enquired Sage Athri about the details of the plants, their origin, name and attributes, and their purifying effect. They have taken a holy dip in a sacred pond, worshiped the sacred shrines, after some time, with the permission of Sage Athri, they have taken seats under the shade of the peepal tree contemplating upon Lord Sri Ramachandra, Lakshman, and Devi Sita. The deities were highly pleased observing the amiability, virtue, and devotion of Bharatha and showered their blessings. In this way, Bharatha and Shathrughna spent three fourth of the day in the forest and returned to the hermitage of Rama, and prostrated before the Lord.


Sulabha Sidhdhi Sab Prakrithahu Rama Kahatha Jamuhath | Rama Prana Priya Bharatha Kaha Yaha Na Hoyi Badi Bath ||

Yehi Bidhi Bharathu Phiratha Ban Mahi | Nemu Premu Lakhi Muni Sakuchahi || Punya Jalashraya Bhoomi Bibhaga | Khaga Mriga Tharu Thrina Giri Bana Baga || Charu Bichithra Pabithra Biseshi | Boojjath Bharathu Dhibya Sab  Dhekhi || Suni Mana Mudhitha Kahatha Rishirau | Hethu  Nama Guna Punya  Prabhau || Kathahu Nimajjana Kathahu Pranama | Kathahu Bilokatha Mana Abirama || Kahathu Baiti Muni Aayasu Payi | Sumiratha Siya Sahitha Dhoau Bhayi || Dhekhi Subhau Sanehu Suseva | Dhehi Aseesa Mudhitha Banadeva || Phirahi Gaya Dhinu Pahar Udayi | Prabhupadha Kamala Bilokahi Aayi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The hospitality of mother Earth towards Bharatha and Shathurghna


Chapter – 305– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The hospitality of mother Earth towards Bharatha and Shathurghna


Sage Athri, Bharatha, hermits, and ministers returned to the hermitage of Lord of Raghu after visiting the well ‘Bharathakoopa’, all the way they had nothing to talk about other than the glory of the ‘Bharathakoopa’. Everyone who arrived in the hermitage of Rama was assembled before Rama and began to describe the glories of the Bharathakoopa and the purifying nature of the holy land of Chitrakoot. That night, all the hermits and the four brothers, people of Mithila and Ayodhya spent listening to the various glorious myths from the scriptures, in this way they continued till the daybreak. They have finished the morning ablutions and rite, after receiving permission from Rama, a group of hermits Sage Vashishta, Sage Athri, Bharatha, Shathrughna, conducted a trip to the forest contemplating upon Lord Rama. Bharatha and Shathrughna attired in simple clothes, walked around without foot cover all over the forests and hill, the Mother Earth has made the land soft and smooth in order to make their walks pleasant and tireless, she smoothened the surface of the rock, thorns, and Kushagrass, there was refreshing cool breeze carrying rich fragrance to take away the exhaustion of the travelers. The deities showered flowers in delight, the rain clouds offered cool shade, the trees were loaded with succulent fruits and flowers, the lush green land smoothened with soft and tiny grass, beautiful wild animals roaming all around the forest was a pleasant sight to their eyes, birds of various species produced sounds pleasing to ears, in this way the Mother Earth received the two brothers Bharatha and Shathrughna with a kind heart, knowing them as the beloved brothers of Rama.


Kahatha Koopa Mahima Sakalagaye Jaha Raghurau | Athri Sunayau Raghubarahi Theeratha Punya Prabhau ||

Kahatha Dharama Ithihasa Sapreethi | Bhayau Bhoru Nisi So Sukha Beethi || Nithya  Nibahi Bharatha Dhoau Bhayi | Rama Athri Guru Aayasu Payi || Sahitha Samaja Saja Sab Sadhe | Chale Rama Bana Atana Payadhe || Komala Charana Chalatha Binu Panahi | Bhayi Mridhu Bhoomi Sakuchi Manamahi || Kusa Kandaka Kamkari Kurayi | Katuka Kadora Kubasthu Dhurayi || Mahi Manjjuala Mridu Maraga Keenhe | Bahatha Sameera Thribidha Sukha Leenhe || Sumana Barisha Sura Dhana Kari Cchahi | Bitapa Phooli  Phali Thrina Mridhuthahi || Mriga Biloki Khaga Boli Subani | Sevahi Sakala Ramapriya Jani ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The significance of ‘Bharathakoopa’ in the Chitrakoot


Chapter – 304– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The significance of ‘Bharathakoopa’ in the Chitrakoot


Sage Athri spoke to Bharatha “Oh! Thatha/son, there is a beautiful well adjoining to the hill of Chitrakoot, the water is crystal clear and sweet like nectar, you can deposit the sacred waters brought from various Theerthas in that well.” Bharatha after receiving the command of Sage Athri, followed by his younger brother shathrughna and several illustrious Rishis and Sages proceeded to the well close to the hill of Chitrakoot, which was huge and bottomless, Bharatha deposited the waters of various Theertha in it. Sage Athri was transported to a state of bliss, began to speak “This is one of the holiest lands on the Earth, which accomplish the austerities and penances undertaken by the people of spiritual interest from an ancient period of time. My disciples found the soil of the land has rich in mineral wealth, it has the source of underground spring, hence they dug this huge well of limitless depth in order to collect the spring water for the purpose of the people living in and around Chitrakoot. You have deposited the sacred waters collected from all the Theertha and elevated the status of it too far more inexplicable, which provides commendable religious merit to the people who consume the water from this well. Oh! Bharatha, this marvelous well would be named as ‘Bharathakoopa’, which could provide all the religious merits in abundance, the sanctity of the well has been enhanced due to the presence of waters from several sacred Theerthas. Oh! Son, whoever takes a dip in this water with faith and devotion would achieve purity of thoughts, words, and deeds.”

Athri Kaheau Thab Bharatha Sana Saila Sameepa Sukoopa | Rakhia Theeratha Thoya Thaha Pavana Amia Anoopa ||

Bharatha Athri Anusasana Payi | Jala Bhajana Sab Dhiye Chalayi || Sanuja Aapu Athri Muni Sadhu | Sahitha Gaye Jaha Koopa Agadhu || Pavana Patha Punyathala  Rakha | Pramuditha Prema Athri Asa Bhasha || Thatha Anadhi Sidhdha Thala Yehu | Lopeau Kala Bidhitha Nahi Kehu || Thab Sevakanha Sarasa Thalu Dhekha | Keenha Sujala Hitha Koopa Bisesha || Bidhibasa Bhayau Biswa Upakaru | Sugama Agama Athi Dharama Bicharu || Bharathakoopa Ab Kahihahi Loga | Athi Pavana Theerthajala Joga || Prema Sanema Nimajjana Prani | Hoyihahi Bimala Karama Mana Bani ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – The people of Ayodhya and Mithila transport to the state of bliss watching the faith and truthfulness of Rama and Bharatha


Chapter – 303– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– The people of Ayodhya and Mithila transport to the state of bliss watching the faith and truthfulness of Rama and Bharatha


The deities who always seek opportunity for their welfare heard the conversation between Bharatha and Lord Rama, which is the source of auspicious and welfare, they praised the commendable virtues of Raghu’s clan and showered flowers on them. They cheered in great enthusiasm “Hail Bharatha! Hail Bharatha’s supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra!” The Lord of Mithila King Janaka and Sage Vashishta and the prominent members of the assembly rejoiced over the kind and compassionate words of Bharatha. The King of Vidheha experienced a sudden rush of thrill through the limbs, watching the virtues, pure love, and affection of the two brothers. The ministers assembled were overwhelmed with love praised the disposition of Rama and Bharatha in their own words to the best of their abilities, they eulogized the ideal relationship of Master and servant, the utmost faith and truthfulness of the two brothers. The people of Mithila and Ayodhya were besieged with mixed feelings of joy and sorrow, after listening to the conversation between Rama and Bharatha. Devi Kausalya who has grown beyond sorrow and grief, pacified the other queens in sweet nectar-like words, praising the virtues of Rama. In this way, some of them were praised the commendable virtues of Rama and others praised the devotion of Bharatha.

Bharatha Rama Sambadhu Suni Sakala Sumangala Moola | Sura Swarathi Sarahi Kula Barashath Suratharu Phoola ||

Dhanya Bharatha Jayarama Gosayi | Kahatha Deva Harashatha Bariayi || Muni Mithilesu Sabha Sab Kahu | Bharatha Bachana  Suni Bhayau Ucchahu || Bharatha Rama Gunagrama Sanehu | Pulaki Prasamsatha Rau Bidhehu || Sevaka Swami Subhau Suhavana | Nemu Pemu Athi Pavana Pavana || Mathi Anusara Sarahana Lage | Sachiva Sabhasadha Sab Anurage || Suni Suni  Rama Bhratha Sambadhu | Dhuhu Samaja Hiya Harashu Bishadhu || Rama Mathu Dhukhu Sukhu Sama Jani | Kahi Gunarama Prabodhi Rani || Yek Kahahi Raghubeera Badayi | Yek Sarahath Bharatha Bhalayi ||

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha receives permission from Rama to visit all those holy places which carry the footprints of Rama in the Chitrakoot


Chapter – 302– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha receives permission from Rama to visit all those holy places which carry the footprints of Rama in the Chitrakoot


Bharatha spoke fervently “Oh! Deva Deva,  Oh! Prabho, after discussing with our preceptors, I have brought all the ingredients, waters from the sacred rivers, for the coronation ceremony of you as the King of Ayodhya, kindly fulfill our desire to witness the same. Oh! Prabho, I have a longing in my heart, but I couldn’t disclose it due to fear and anxiousness.” Rama abruptly rose from the seat and spoke “Oh! Dear brother, do not hesitate, what is that you are yearning for” after receiving permission from his elder brother, Bharatha began to spoke in a soft tone full of love “Oh! Prabho, kindly allow me to visit the sacred Mount Chithrakoot, forests, hills, lakes, streams, and mountains that hold your footprints.” Rama spoke affectionately “Oh! Bharatha, certainly visit those beautiful places which is the result of austerities and penance of Sage Athri, you can visit all those stunningly beautiful places with Sage Athri, and deposit that holy water you have brought from various sacred rivers in the streams and ponds wherever the Sage advise you to deposit, it would make the entire land furthermore auspicious and beautiful, remember to sprinkle the holy water on the places wherever Sage Athri directs you.” Bharatha rejoiced at heart and rushed to Sage Athri with great enthusiasm, and prostrated before the lotus feet of the Sage.

Deva Deva Abhisheka Hitha Guru Anusasanu Payi | Aaneau Sab Theeratha Salilu Thehi Kaha Kaha Rajayi ||

Yeku Manorathu Bada Manamahi | Sabhaya Sakocha Jatha Kahi Nahi || Kahahu Thatha Prabhu Aayasu  Payi | Bole Bani  Saneha Suhayi || Chithrakoota Suchi Thala Theeratha Bana | Khaga Mriga Sarasari Nirjjara Girigana || Prabupadha Ankitha Avani Biseshi | Aayasu Hoyi Tha Avau Dhekhi || Avasi  Athri Aayasu sira Dharahu | Thatha  Bigathabhaya  Kanana Charahu || Muni  Prasadha Banu Mangala Dhatha | Pavana Parama Suahavana Bhratha || Rishinayaku Jaha Aayasu Dhehi | Rakhehu Theeratha Jalu Thala Thehi || Suni Prabhu Bachana Bharatha Sukhu Pava | Munipadha Kamala Mudhitha Siru Nava ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Bharatha seeking for perpetual grace of Rama


Chapter – 301– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Bharatha seeking for perpetual grace of Rama


Rama spoke “Oh! Bharatha, a servant should sincerely follow the command of his master, hence servant resembles hands, legs, and eyes, and the Master resembles the Mouth, it is the ideal relationship of a Master and servant.” The whole assembly was transported to a state of ecstasy listening to the most compassionate and kind words of Rama of Lord of Raghu, those were nectar churned out from the milky ocean of love. Devi Sarada was astounded watching the state of people assembled. Finally, Bharatha achieved the supreme state of serenity, realized that his Master is highly propitious to him, all the anguish and fear flew away from him. Soon, Bharatha regained cheerfulness, and the heaviness of his heart was disappeared once for all as if the dumb person achieved excellence in the speech with the grace of Goddess Sarada. Bharatha prostrated at the lotus feet of Rama and began to speak with folded hands “Oh! Prabho, I have achieved the joy of accompanying to the dense wood, I feel like I was born again. Oh! Gracious Lord, kindly pronounce your command, whatever may be your order I shall follow it with great reverence and truthfulness. Oh! Prabho, kindly shower your auspicious grace on us and provide something that I could feel the presence of you during your term of exile, which would provide courage and perpetual grace so that I can carry out your orders sincerely.”


Sevaka Kara Padha Nayana Se Mukha So Sahib Hoyi | Tulasi Preethi Ki Reethi Suni  Sukabi Sarahahi Soyi ||

Sabha Sakala Suni Raghubara Bani | Prema Payodhi Amia Janu sani || Sithila Samaja Saneha Samadhi | Dhekhi Dhasa Chup Saradha Sadhi || Bharathahi Bhayau Parama Santhoshu | Sanmukha Swami  Bimukha Dhukha Dhoshu || Mukha Prasanna  Man Mita  Bishadhu | Bha Janu Goongehi Gira Prasadhu || Keenha  Saprema Pranamu Bahori | Bole Pani Pankaruha Jori || Natha Bhayau Sukhu Satha Gaye Ko | Laheau Lahu Jaga Janamu Bhaye Ko || Ab Kripala Jasa Aayasu Hoyi | Karau seesa Dhari Sadhara Soyi || So Avalamba Deva Mohi Dheyi | Avadhi Paru Pavau Jehi Seyi ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ayodhya Kanda – Rama advises Bharatha to follow his duties and responsibilities


Chapter – 300– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Ayodhya Kanda– Rama advises Bharatha to follow his duties and responsibilities


Rama spoke “Oh! Thatha, our preceptors saved not only the Kingdom of Ayodhya, and the state of affairs, they also protected our dignity, integrity, fame, virtues, righteousness, possessions, richness, etc. and it would remain protected with the grace of our preceptors for several thousands of years. Oh! Bharatha, the grace of our preceptors will continue to protect us in the woods as well as in the Kingdom. The Dharma/righteousness is strictly following the orders of one’s own parents, preceptors, and Veda and Shastras, Lord Adishesha holds the entire Universe on its hood. Oh! Dear brother, kindly obey the orders of our parents, and preceptors, and allow me to do the same for the welfare of all, in this way we can be the savior of the solar race. This is one of the disciplines that would bestow success and sacred as the Triveni/confluence Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswathi, which would bring fame, prosperity, and salvation from repeated births. Oh! Dear brother, kindly consider the hardships of the people of Ayodhya, and our own people, make all efforts to relieve their troubles and grief. Oh! Bharatha, my difficulties had been shared by all of you, I fear the fourteen years of exile of mine would put you in a lot of anguish. Oh! Brother, you are too emotional, soft-hearted, yet I have to speak the truth which is harsh, in difficult times the virtuous brothers stand together.”


Raja Kaja Sab Laja Pathi Dharama Dharani Dhanadhama | Guru Prabhau Palihi Sabahi Bhala Hoyihi Parinama ||

Sahitha Samaja Thumhara Hamara | Ghar Bana Guru Prasadha Rakhavara || Mathu Pitha Guru Swami Nidhesu | Sakala Dharama Dharanidhara  Sesu || So Thumha Karahu Karavahu Mohu | Thatha Tharanikula Palaka Hohu || Sadhaka Yek Sakala Sidhi Deni | Keerathi Sugathi Bhoothimaya Beni || So Bichari Sahi Sankatu Bhari | Karahu Praja Parivaru Sukhari || Bati Bipathi Sabahi Mohi Bhayi | Thumhahi Avadhi Bhari Badi Kadinayi || Jani Thumhahi Mridhu Kahau Kadora | Kusumaya Thatha Na  Anuchitha Mora || Hohi  Kudaya Subandhu Sahaye | Audiahi Hatha Asanihu Ke Dhaye ||