Friday, June 18, 2021

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The description on Jagadamba Jagathjanani Devi Janaki


Chapter – 256– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The description on Jagadamba Jagathjanani Devi Janaki


Devi Sita who is the epitome of beauty, virtue, wisdom, and fortune, attired in magnificent clothes, adorned in exquisite pieces of jewelry all over the body, long and beautiful curly hair decorated in a tiara and flowers of rich alluring fragrances in abundance, anklets, etc. followed by a large number of beautiful female companions singing auspicious songs, gracefully walked like a swan towards Rama, Devi Sita was holding a marvelous flower garland/Jayamala to adore Rama who is declared as future consort. Devi Janakanandhini with humility, heart full of joy and love elegantly walked towards Rama, gazing at his lovely appearance, attractive limbs, she stood motionless resembled a portrait. One of her clever companions perceived the state of Devi Sita and whispered into her ears “Oh! Devi, adore the Jayamala to your future consort”, she gradually lifted the Jayamala and with a full of love and emotion, adored around the neck of Rama, thus her beautiful hands resembled lotus stalk adorned the Jayamala around the neck of Rama, resembled the moon. The ladies beautifully sang while Rama adorned a beautiful garland on the chest of Devi Sita turned pink and bashful in love.

Sanga Sakhi Sundhara Chathura Gavahi Mangalachara | Gavani Bala Marala Gathi Sushama Anga  Apara ||

Sakhinha Madhya Siya Sohathi Kaise | Cchabigana Madhya Mahacchabi Jaise || Kara Saroja  Jayamala Suhayi | Biswa Bijaya Sobha Jehi  Cchayi || Than Sakochu Mana Parama Ucchahu | Gooda Premu Lakhi Parayi Na Kahu || Jayi  Sameepa Rama Cchabi Dhekhi | Rahi Janu Kuari  Chithra Avarekhi|| Chathura  Sakhi Lakhi Kaha  Bujjayi | Pahiravahu Jayamala Suhayi || Sunatha Jugala Kara Mala  Udayi | Prema Bibasa  Pahirayi  Na Jayi || Sohath  Janu Guga Jalaja Sanala || Sasihi Sabheetha Dhetha Jayamala || Gavahi Cchabi Avaloki Saheli | Siya  Jayamala Rama Ura  Meli ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The reactions of the Queen, King Janaka, Devi Janaki, and Lakshman after witnessing the victory of Rama


Chapter – 265 (1)– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The reactions of the Queen, King Janaka, Devi Janaki, and Lakshman after witnessing the victory of Rama


Bandhigana, Magadhagana, and Suthagana sang in praise of Rama who is Raghuvamsamani, there were lots of charities performed on the victory of Rama, an abundance of horses, elephants, chariots, grains, money, wealth, possessions, jewels, gems, cows were offered to the twice-born as gratitude on the blessings of the Lord. There were huge groups of divine instruments, cymbals, clarinet, conches, drums, and various musical instruments were played on this occasion, men and women sang auspicious songs. The queen and her companions were transported to extreme delight as if the withered crops received downpour in abundance. King Janaka felt immensely relieved as if he has crossed the vast ocean, safely reached the shore. The Kings assembled experienced the early sunlight has arrived, tearing the darkness. Devi Sita’s joy has no bound, has experienced as if the Chathaka received the first droplets of rain from the Swathi star, after long days of anxiousness. Lakshman set his eyes on Rama as if the Chakora bird gazing at the autumn moon. Sage Shathanandha announced to bring the bride closer to the groom, thus Devi Sita elegantly moved towards Rama in the Yajja arena.

Bandhi Magadha Soothagana Birudha Badhahi Mathidheera | Karahi Nicchavari  Loga Sab Haya Gaya Dhana Mani  Cheera ||

JJanji Mridhanga Sankha Sahanayi | Bheri  Dola Dhundhubi Suhayi|| Bajahi Bahu Bajane Suhaye | Jaha Thaha Jubathinha Mangala Gaye || Sakhinha Sahitha Harashi Athi Rani | Sukhath Dhana Para Janu  Pani || Janaka Laheau Sukhu Sochu Bihayi | Paurath Thake Thaha Janu Payi || Sreehath Bhaye Bhoop  Dhanu Toote | Jaise  Dhivasa Dheepa Cchabi Choote || Siya Sukhahi Barnia Kehi Bhanthi | Janu Chathaki Payi  Jalu Swathi || Ramahi Lakhanu Bilokath Kaise | Sasihi Chakora Kisoraku Jaise || Sathanandha Thab Ayasu Dheenha | Sitha Gamanu Rama Pahi Keenha ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The reaction of the crowd after listening to the deafening sound of a crash from the Bhavachapa


Chapter – 254– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The reaction of the crowd after listening to the deafening sound of a crash from the Bhavachapa


The boisterous sound of the crash of Bhavachapa was so intense, the green horses of Lord Surya gone out of control from the reins, the elephant’s trumpet echoed all over, the Earth quivered, the King of serpents Lord Adhishesha, Lord Sri Hari who has assumed the form of wild boar and giant tortoise meddled up, the deities, demons, and the Sages closed their ears in extreme fear, and was anxiously searching for the origin of the sound. Sage Tulsidas says “Lord Rama broken the Bhavachapa into two halves, the whole crowd, deities, demons, Sages cheered in extreme joy.” Thus, the bow of Bhava resembled the ferry, and the powerful arms of Lord Rama resemble the stick used for paddling, drowned the arrogant and ignorant people, and protected the noble-souls. Rama left the two halves of the bow on the ground, the crowd cheered in huge excitement. Sage Vishwamithra who resembles the ocean of compassion and love rose on his feet from the seat with great joy and looked at Rama with great admiration, his eyes took feast on the loveliness of Rama who resembled the autumn moon. The celestial Apsaras and Gandharvas played divine musical instruments, sang melodiously, and the celestial dancers beautifully danced to the tune. Lord Bhrama, deities, Sages, Rishis, Gandharvas, Naga, Kinnara, Yaksha showered flowers on Rama, and sang in praise of Raghuvamsamani. The sounds of victory reverberated in the three worlds; the crowd assembled were congratulated each other on the victory of Rama on the powerful bow of Lord Shambhu.


Bhare Bhuvana Ghora Kadora Rava Rabi Baji Thaji Maragu Chale | Chikkarahi Dhiggaja Dola Mahi Ahi Kola Kurooma Kalamale || Sura Asura Munikara Kan Dheenhe  Sakala Bikala Bicharahi | Kodhanda Khadeau Rama Tulasi Jayathi Bachana Ucharahi ||

Sankara Chapu Jahaju Sagaru Raghubara Bahubalu | Booda So Sakala Samaju Chada Jo Prathamahi Moha Basa ||

Prabhu Dhoau Chapakhanda Mahi Dare | Dhekhi Loga  Sab Bhaye Sukhare || Kausikaroopa  Payonidhi Pavana | Prema Bari Avagahu Suhavan || Ramaroopa Rakesu Nihari | Badatha Beech Pulakavali Bhari || Baje  Nabha Gahagahe Nisana| Devabandhu Nachahi Kari Gana || Bhramadhika Sura Sidhdha Muneesa | Prabhuhi Prasamsahi Dhehi Aseesa || Barisahi Sumana Ranga  Bahu Mala | Gavahi Kinnara Geeth Rasala || Rahi Bhuvana Bhari Jaya Jaya Bani | Dhanushabhanga Dhuni Jatha Na  Jani || Mudhitha Kahahi Jaha Thaha Nara Nari | Bhanjeau  Rama Sambhudhanu Bhari ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Rama fastens the Bhavachapa and breaks into two halves


Chapter – 253– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Rama fastens the Bhavachapa and breaks into two halves


Rama looked at the vast audience, found them motionless, without blinking their eyes in extreme anguish and expectations. Further, he set eyes on Devi Janakanandhini who was in deep distress, eyes welled up in tears, it was all visible that she was holding the entire weight of the Universe on her chest, each second were unbearable for her, as if the thirsty on the verge of death due to unavailability of water, will the pot of nectar do good after death? Will the rain revive the crop that has been destroyed due to water scarcity? there is no use of repenting on the loss of opportunity. Lord Rama perceived the pure love and the devotion of Devi Sita, it enthused him, experienced a sudden surge of extreme energy passed through his beautiful limbs. Rama contemplated upon the preceptor Sage Vishwamithra, mentally offered obeisance to him and touched the Bhavachapa with great might, an instant flash of lightning rushed through his veins, everything happened so quickly the people were mystified watching, Rama took hold of the Bhavachapa while fastening it broke into two halves and the huge sound of a crash of the Bhavachapa reverberated in the Universe was horrifying.

Rama Biloke Loga  Sab Chithra Likhe  Se Dhekhi | ChithayiSiya  Kripayathana Jani Bikala Biseshi ||

 Dhekhi Bipula  Bikala Baidhehi | Nimisha Bihatha Kalapa Sama  Thehi || Thrishitha Bari Binu Jo thanu Thyaga | Muye Karayi Ka Sudha Thadaga || Ka Barsha Sab Krishi Sukhane | Samaya Chuke  Puni Ka  Pacchithane || Asa Jiya Jani Janaki Dhekhi | Prabhu PUlake  Lakhi Preethi Biseshi || Gurahi Pranamu Manahi Man Keenha | Athi Laghava Udayi Dhanu Leenha || Dhamakeau Dhamini Jimi Jab  Layau | Puni Naba Dhanu Mandala Sama Bhayau || Letha Chadavath Khaichath Gade | Kahu Na Lakha Dhekha Sab Dade || Thehi Cchana Rama Madhya Dhanu Thora | Bhare Bhuvana Dhuni Dhora Kadora ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The command of Lakshman to Mother Earth and the prayer of people assembled


Chapter – 252– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The command of Lakshman to Mother Earth and the prayer of people assembled


Lakshman viewed the Jewel of Raghu clan/Raghubamsamani set glance on the Bhavachapa, soon his bodily hairs stood upright, he strongly pressed on the crust of Earth with his foot and uttered the word in extreme thrill “Oh! Lord of directions, Oh! Supreme Lord Hari who has incarnated as Kamada/giant tortoise to hold Mount Mandha on its back, Oh! Lord of serpents Adhishesha who carries the entire Universe on its hood, Oh! Lord Hari who has embodied as wild boar to rescue Mother Earth from the demon, kindly hold the Earth from the quiver, Lord Rama has approached the unyielding Bhavachapa, hence listen to my command and act accordingly.” As soon as Rama got closer to the Bhavachapa, the crowd cheered in enthusiasm and seeking the reward of their piousness to beloved deities and Pithrus in favor of Rama, the arrogance and ignorance of Kings and princes assembled, the fury of Bhrugupathi/Parasurama, the apprehensions of deities, Sages, Rishis, the anxiousness of King Janaka, the distress of Devi Janaki, and the grief of mother of Devi Sita, all those emotions were boarded together on the Bhavachapa, Oh! Mune, all those assembled were taken shelter at the prowess of the arms of Ram, otherwise it would become impossible to cross the ocean of worldly existence of grief.”


Lakhana Lakheau Raghubamsamani ThakeauHara Kodhandu | Pulaki  Gatha Bole Bachana Charana Chapi Bhramandu ||

Disikunjarahu Kamada Ahi Kola | Dharahu Dharani Dhari  Dheera Na  Dola || Ramu Chahahi Sankara Dhanu Thora | Hohu Sajaga Suni Ayasu Mora || Chapa Sameepa Ramu Jab Aye | Nara Narinha Sura Sukritha Manaye || Sab Kara  Samsau Aru  Agyanu | Mandha Mahipanha Kara Abimanu || Bhrigupathi Keri  Garab Guruayi | Sura  Munibaranha Keri Kadharayi || Siya Kara  Sochu Janaka Pacchithava | Raninha Kara  Dharuna Dhukha Dhava || Sambhuchapa Bada Bohithu Payi | Chade Jayi Sab  Sangu Banayi || Rama Bahubala Sindhu Aparu | Chahath Paru Nahi Koau Kadaharu ||


Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – Devi Janaki’s prayer and Rama approaches the Bhavachapa


Chapter – 251– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– Devi Janaki’s prayer and Rama approaches the Bhavachapa


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “ Oh! Mune, Devi Sita kept looking at Rama with her flickering eyes, she was anxious, her sparkling eyes were taking feast on the attractive blue limbs of Rama, now and then on the floor, resembled the two fishes flaunt on the orbit of the moon. Her mouth resembled a red lotus flower did not utter a word which resembles the humming of bees, out of modesty like night. Her eyes were filled in tears of love, like the miser who hidden the vessel of treasure. Devi Sita experienced the moment were so intense, agitated, soon gathered her courage and prayed “ If I am true to my words, deeds, and mind devoted to the lotus feet of Rama, If I am a sincere servant to Rama, the Almighty Lord who is supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva will take care of this situation, and make all the way to get united his true love with the supreme Lord Rama.” Devi Sita fixed her gaze at Rama, with intense devotion and faith. The Supreme Lord Rama who is the embodiment of love and compassion, knower of all, looked at Devi Sita and set eyes on the Bhavachapa like the Garuda/King of birds set eyes on the snake.”


Prabhuhi Chathayi PUni Chithava Mahi Rajath Lochana Lola | Khelath Manasija Meena  Juga Janu Bidhu Mandhala Dola ||

Gira Alini Mukha Pankaja Roki | Pragata Na Laja Nisa  Avaloki || Lochana Jalu Raha Lochana Kona | Jaise Parama Kripana Kara Sona || Sakuchi Byakulatha Badi Jani | Dhari Dheeraju Pratheethi Ura Ani || Than Man Bachana Mora Panu Sacha | Raghupathi Padha Saroja Chithu Racha || Thau Bhagavanu Sakala Ura Basi | Karihi Mohi Raghubara Kai  Dasi || Jehi  Ke JehiPar aSathya Sanehu | So Thehi Milayi Na Kacchu Sandhehu || Prabhu Thana Chithayi Prema  Thana Dana | Kripanidhana Rama Sabu Jana || Siyahi Biloki Thakeau Dhanu Kaise | Chithava Gururu Laghu Byalahi Jaise ||

Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Bala Kanda – The mounting anxiousness of Devi Janakanandhini


Chapter – 250– Sri Ramacharitha Manas – Bala Kanda– The mounting anxiousness of Devi Janakanandhini


Sage Yajjavalkya speaks “Oh! Mune, Janakanandhini was repeatedly praying to all deities, her eyes were set on Rama who was majestically moving towards the Bhavachapa, her eyes filled in tears out of love for her beloved, her bodily hairs stood upright watching mesmerizing beauty and fearlessness of Rama, her eyes were feasting on the loveliness of Rama, her father’s vow kept her in extreme agitation. Devi Janaki thought “My father has taken up the vow without any further thought of goodness or badness in it, the ministers are afraid and well known about my father’s austerities and vow, hence they did not give a wise opinion. It is a pitiable state, should not happen to the assembly of wise. The Bhavachapa is unyielding, all-powerful, on the other hand, the dark cloud-complexioned Rama has a delicate physique and tender age. Oh! Almighty Lord, how can I achieve peace of mind? would it be possible to cut the diamond with the Sirisa flowers? The members of the assembly have gone unwise, Oh! Lord, I have no one to help other than you, Oh! Bhavachapa, kindly assumes light-weight at the sight of Rama, taking into consideration of the dull-minded people of the assembly.” Devi Janaki was extremely anxious experienced each second as Yuga.


Dhekhi Dhekhi  Raghubeera Thana Sura Manava Dhari Dheera | Bhare Bilochana Prema Jala Pulakavali Sareera||

Neeke Nirakhi Nayana Bhari Sobha | Pithu Panu Sumiri Bahuri Manu Cchoba || Ahaha Thatha Dharuni Hat Dani | Samujjath Nahi Kachu Labhu Na  Hani || Sachiva Sabhaya Sikha Dheyi Na Koyi | Budha Samaja Bada Anuchitha Hoyi|| Kaha Dhanu Kulisahu Chahi Kadora | Kaha  Syamala Mridhugatha Kisora || Bidhi Kehi Bhanthi Dharau Ura Dheera | Sirasa Sumana KanaBedhia Heera || Sakala Sabha Kai Mathi Bhai Bhori | Aba Mohi Sambhuchapa Gathi Thori || Nija Jadatha Liganha Par Dari | Hohi  Harua Raghupathihi Nihari || Athi Parithapa Siya  Mana Mahi | Lava Nimesha  Juga Saya Sama Jahi ||