Chapter – 256– Sri Ramacharitha Manas –
Bala Kanda– The description on Jagadamba Jagathjanani Devi Janaki
Devi Sita who is the epitome of beauty,
virtue, wisdom, and fortune, attired in magnificent clothes, adorned in exquisite pieces of jewelry all over the body, long and beautiful curly hair decorated in a tiara
and flowers of rich alluring fragrances in abundance, anklets, etc. followed by a large number of beautiful female companions singing auspicious songs,
gracefully walked like a swan towards Rama, Devi Sita was holding a marvelous flower
garland/Jayamala to adore Rama who is declared as future consort. Devi Janakanandhini
with humility, heart full of joy and love elegantly walked towards Rama,
gazing at his lovely appearance, attractive limbs, she stood motionless
resembled a portrait. One of her clever companions perceived the state of Devi
Sita and whispered into her ears “Oh! Devi, adore the Jayamala to your future
consort”, she gradually lifted the Jayamala and with a full of love and emotion,
adored around the neck of Rama, thus her beautiful hands resembled lotus stalk
adorned the Jayamala around the neck of Rama, resembled the moon. The ladies
beautifully sang while Rama adorned a beautiful garland on the chest of Devi
Sita turned pink and bashful in love.
Sanga Sakhi Sundhara Chathura Gavahi
Mangalachara | Gavani Bala Marala Gathi Sushama Anga Apara ||
Sakhinha Madhya Siya Sohathi Kaise |
Cchabigana Madhya Mahacchabi Jaise || Kara Saroja Jayamala Suhayi | Biswa Bijaya Sobha
Jehi Cchayi || Than Sakochu Mana Parama
Ucchahu | Gooda Premu Lakhi Parayi Na Kahu || Jayi Sameepa Rama Cchabi Dhekhi | Rahi Janu
Kuari Chithra Avarekhi|| Chathura Sakhi Lakhi Kaha Bujjayi | Pahiravahu Jayamala Suhayi ||
Sunatha Jugala Kara Mala Udayi | Prema Bibasa Pahirayi
Na Jayi || Sohath Janu Guga
Jalaja Sanala || Sasihi Sabheetha Dhetha Jayamala || Gavahi Cchabi Avaloki
Saheli | Siya Jayamala Rama Ura Meli ||