Thursday, July 9, 2020

||Sri Ram Jeyram Jai Jai Ram||

Chapter – 12 – Sundara Kandam

 The concluding part of Sundara Kandam/Samudradevatha takes shelter at Rama

The demons began to speak “Oh! Prabho, you have questioned us delightfully, kindly listen to our answers without getting angry with us. Prabhu Rama adorned the vermilion and sandalwood paste on the forehead of Vibheeshana and accepted him as a sincere attendant. The Vanaras realized that we are the spies from Lanka, they fastened us and troubled us, prepared to cut off our nose and ears. We begged them to release us, finally, Lakshman felt pity for us and freed us.  Oh! Prabho, you have asked about the strength of armies of Rama, it is impossible to describe with the thousands of tongue. There were huge armies of Vanaras and bears, in large numbers in different sizes and appearances. The Vanara who killed your son Akshakumara and set fire to Lanka was the weakest one among the Vanaras. These Vanaras and bears possessed immense might and have the size of the elephant. There are Dhvividha, Maindha, Neela, Nala, Angadha, Gadha, Vikatasya, Dhadhimukha, Kesari,  Nishada, Shada, powerful Jambavan are among them, they are equivalent to Sugriva, there were crores of these types of Vanaras are impossible to count. These Vanaras and bears are extremely powerful, consider three worlds as grass. The chief of Vanaras is one lakh and eight thousand, not to mention their armies, and all are capable to conquer you in the war. These Vanaras are extremely fierce waiting to receive the order from Prabhu Ram. These Vanaras are all prepared saying “We will dry up the ocean, eat those giant aquatic animals, we will fill the ocean with the huge mountains, and destroy Dhashamukha.” These Varanars are fearless in nature, produce deafening voices, and are ready to swallow the city of Lanka. These Vanaras and bears are born warriors, and Prabhu Rama is the leader of them. Oh! Ravan, these Vanaras and bears can conquer even the crores of Yama in the battlefield. It is impossible to describe the prowess and effulgence of Rama, not for the hundred crores of thousand tongued Adhishesha. He has the prowess to dry up the hundreds of ocean with a single shot of an arrow. He is humble and gentle as well, he sought the advice of your brother, and accordingly, he requested the ocean to leave pathway to cross the ocean.”

Ravana laughed boisterously,  “Rama sought the advice of my brother who is dull-minded and coward by birth, that’s the reason he has Vanaras and bears as his armies. He approached the ocean requesting to leave pathways, that’s impossible to happen. Oh! Fool, why are you praising my enemies? I have thoroughly measured their intellect and prowess. Whoever accepts Vibheeshana as his minister won’t achieve success or fame in this world.” The spies of Ravana have got annoyed, offered the written message of Lakshman.  Ravana laughed out and received it in the left hand, he called out for a minister and asked him to read it loudly. The message was “Oh! fool, do not indulge yourself in self-praising, and put your entire clan in danger. If you keep enmity against the supreme Lord Ramachandra, you cannot attain the protection from Lord Bhrama, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Maheshwara. Therefore, leave your pride, and take shelter at the lotus feet of Prabhu, like a bee, as brother Vibheeshana. Oh! Wicked,  you will be destroyed with all your clan like fireflies in the wildfire of Ramabana, if you are not willing to take shelter at the lotus feet of Ramachandra.”


The message was really hit hard on Ravana, but he pretended as calm and powerful, with a smile loudly spoke “The expertise in the words of the younger brother of Rama is like the weak person on the Earth tries to get hold of the sky.” Shuka spoke “Oh! Prabho, leave your anger and kindly consider those words as true, kindly leave your pride and take shelter at the lotus feet of Rama. Do not keep enmity with Rama, he is the commander of the Universe and its living beings, he is extremely compassionate. He would forget all your sins and forgive you if you meet him in person; he will not consider your mistakes as a serious one, kindly give back Devi Janaki to Rama. Oh! Prabho, kindly accept my sincere request.” Ravana gave a hard kick on Shukha, he prostrated before Ravana and returned to the Supreme Lord Rama. Further, Shuka described all that happened with Ravana, thus he got removed from the curse and has attained his original form as Maharishi.


Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Parvathi, Shuka was a Maharishi in his previous birth, due to the curse of Sage Agasthya he has attained the form of a demon. Maharishi repeatedly prostrated before Rama and returned to his hermitage.” It was three days over, Rama’s prayers to Sagara were ignored, and Rama got annoyed of his act. Rama instructed Lakshman “Oh! Lakshman, bring my bow and arrows; I will destroy the ocean with the Agneya Astra. It is not advisable to show humility to a dull-minded, it is dangerous to keep friendship with a deceitful person, it is waste to speak about charity to a miser, it is  unwise to speak about Paramarththa to Samsari who is soaked in worldly matters, it is not advisable to speak Virakthi to a Lobhi, it is useless to speak about control of senses to a person who is angry, it is inappropriate to speak about Harikatha to a lustful person, these are like sowing seeds on the barren lands.” Raghupathi stretched the bow with an arrow on it produced a huge noise, Lakshmana became happy while watching there was a huge fire that appeared in the ocean, which disturbed the life of giant aquatic animals, eventually, they have created huge chaos. The Samudradevatha was terrified, appeared in the form of a twice-born holding a tray full of various precious gems. Sage Kakabhushundi says “Oh! Garuda, a dull-minded and arrogant, cannot understand things easily.”


The Samudra Devatha prostrated before Prabhu and spoke “Oh! Prabho, kindly forgives all my mistakes. The scripture says that sky, water, Agni, Air, and Earth are Jada/lifeless in nature; it was created with the influence of your Maya. You have taught me a good lesson to follow your command. Oh! Prabho, you have immense prowess to dries up the ocean, and you can easily cross the ocean, but that won’t be promising to me. Oh! Prabho, Kindly do as you wish.” Rama smiled at him pleasantly and spoke “Oh! Thatha, kindly advise me how could we reach the other side of the ocean?” The Samudradevatha spoke “Oh! Prabho, there are two Vanaras Nala, and Neela who has attained a boon from Maharishi during their childhood, with the grace of you, if they hoist the huge mountains and deposit in the ocean water would float. Oh! Prabho, I will do all that required with your compassionate grace. Oh! Prabho, build a bridge across the ocean, that would be praised by all, everyone will eulogize your splendor in the three worlds. You can cross the ocean effortlessly, and destroy those sinful wicked demons with your powerful arrows.” Rama who is skilled in war fields and extremely compassionate removed the qualms of the Samudradevatha. The king of the ocean felt extremely happy to watch the prowess and courage of Rama, he described the atrocities of the demons, prostrated before Rama, and left to his abode. Thus the idea of Lakshman to fasten Samudradevatha was felt appropriate to Rama.


Whoever listens to this glorious legend of Rama which destroys the Kalimala was sung by Tulsidas. The legend of Raghurama describes the splendor and virtues are the abode of happiness, it removes all the false apprehensions, and it removes the grief and sufferings of the worldly existence as well. Oh! Dull minded mortals, leave your interest in worldly matters and false beliefs, constantly sing in praise of him and listen to his glorious legends.  The singing and listening to the splendor of Raghurama with intense faith and devotion would provide all kinds of auspiciousness, and the worshiper would cross the ocean of worldly existence effortlessly.


|| Ithi Srimadh Ramacharithamanase Sakalakali Kalusha Vidhwamsane Panchama: Sopana: Samaptha: ||


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