Sunday, July 19, 2020

|| Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram ||


Chapter -3 - Uththara Kandam


 Prabhu's meeting with mothers/Vanaras assumed the form of humans and worshiped the preceptors of Rama and Devi Kausalya/ The city of Ayodhya prepares for the festivities

Bharatha and Shathrughna prostrated before Devi Sita and revealed their happiness. The people of Ayodhya felt extremely happy at the arrival of Prabhu, they have forgotten the pain of separation for the past fourteen years in a moment. Prabhu was watching the crowd of the people of Ayodhya gathered to have a look at Prabhu and appease their eyes, decided to perform an amusement, he assumed several forms of Rama and met each and every people of Ayodhya in person, and thus he showered his compassionate grace upon them and removed their grief. Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Uma, within a moment he enquired about the welfare of the entire people of Ayodhya and showered his compassionate grace upon them, but no one could understand the highly confident amusement of Prabhu. In this way, the supreme Lord who is the storehouse of virtues, and humility, moved forward to meet his mothers, like a calf run towards its mother. The mothers rushed to the site to meet their children like the cow rushes to its calf, Oh! Shive, it was like the mother cow returns home in the evening, after long hours of grazing out of the village, and returns to its calf in the evening shedding milk from its udder. Prabhu remained in the embrace of his mothers and spend some time in pleasant conversation with them. Thus, mothers got relieved from the pain of separation of long fourteen years, finally attained peace and happiness.


Devi Sumithra embraced Lakshman, thinking about his sincere devotion to Rama, Devi Kaikeyi felt guilty while embracing Rama. Lakshmana embraced three mothers and received their blessings, even though his dislike for Devi Kaikeyi has remained in the heart. Devi Vaidhehi remained in the embrace of her three mothers-in-law; she prostrated before them and received their blessings. They enquired about the welfare of her and blessed her “live a long and happy married life!” All the people assembled were looked at the marvelous beauty of Prabhu and stood like a portrait; they controlled tears, in the auspicious hour. The beautiful women offered Harathi to Prabhu and kept looking at him, they spread all the auspicious ingredients around Prabhu, and their heart was blissful and serene. Kausalya repeatedly stared at Prabhu and thought “ My children are too tender and lovely, how did Rama kill Lankapathi? Rakshasas are extremely haughty and skillful on the battlefield.” Devi Kausalya looked at the Prabhu along with Vaidhehi and Lakshman and immersed in bliss.


Lankeshwara Vibheeshana, Vanareshwara Sugriva, Nalan, Neelan, Jambavan, Hanuman, Angadha, and various virtuous and valorous Vanaras have assumed the form of an attractive human. All of them highly praised the Niyama, Vratha, disciplines, and virtues of Bharatha, they were amazed to watch the devotion of the people of the city of Ayodhya, and their simple way of living, etc. Raghupathi called his Sakhas/Vanaras and Vibheeshana and spoke, “Everyone prostrate before my preceptor Sage Vashishta and Vamadeva, he is most venerable of Raghukula, it was his grace made me possible to kill Ravana and the demons.” Prabhu spoke to preceptors “Oh! Swami, these are my closest associates who worked like ferry to cross the battle against the demons like the ocean. They have sincerely served and offered their lives to protect me on the battlefield, hence they are beloved than Bharatha.” Those Vanaras and Vibheeshana and Jambavan were extremely happy to listen to the nectar-like words of Prabhu. Those Vanaras and Vibheeshana prostrated before Devi Kausalya and receive her blessings ‘You all are like my Raghunatha, beloved to me.” The deities showered flowers and Prabhu entered inside the palace. There were females and males packed all over the palace to have a look at Prabhu and Devi Sita and Lakshman. The ladies decorated their homes and kept Mangalakalasha in front of their homes was decorated with Pathaka and Dhwaja, and various flower garlands decorated the streets and pathways of the palace of Ayodhya. The pathways were sprinkled with highly fragrant scents, there was colorful Rangoli drawn on the street decorated with precious gems and pearls. The whole city was decorated with various auspicious ingredients, it was in a mood of festivities, and there were huge sounds of Mangalavadhya. The females offered various gifts to Prabhu and blessed him. A group of females sang melodiously, and some of the females offered Harathi to Prabhu who removes the afflictions of the worldly existence, in marvelous golden trays decorated with several earthen lamps.  The fortune, wealth, and auspiciousness of the city of Ayodhya were beyond description even for Devi Sharadha, Adhishesha, Veda, and Devi Saraswathi. Lord Mahadeva speaks “Oh! Uma, the Goddesses were in a state of supreme ecstasy watching the prosperity of the city of Ayodhya, therefore how it would be possible for an ordinary human to describe them?” The people of Ayodhya were resembled the lotus flower in the pond of the city of Ayodhya, regained their happiness after a long fourteen years of the grief of separation from Prabhu. Once again, they have recovered the happiness and peace like the fully blossomed lotus flowers, after witnessing the lovely face of Raghurama resembles the full moon. Prabhu showered his compassionate grace upon the people of Ayodhya and entered inside the palace, there were several auspicious omens came into view, the sky reverberated with the promising sounds of Dhundhubi.


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