||Sri Ram Jayram Jaya Jaya
Chapter – 3 – Dhoha – 2
I shall reverentially prostrate
before the Sadhus and saints, who are impartial, serene, and void of affection
or hostility, like the flower-covered with both the hands, will have the fragrance of
the same. They are pure and unblemished, work for the welfare of the Universe
and its living beings, and the elevation of the souls. I shall earnestly pray
to those ascetics and saintly people/Mahathma to kindly bless childlike my mind
to attain intense devotion and faith at the lotus feet of Lord Srirama. I shall prostrate before all, no matter if
they are engaged in moral or immoral deeds, finding pleasures in others trouble
and grief, spreading disbelief of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, torturing others
like the demon Sahasrabhahu, finding faults in others, ruining the nature of
good-hearted ones, those wicked people are proud like Agni, their anger is the same
as Mahishavahana Lord Yama, they engage in Papakarma and earns immense wealth,
they create obstacles for all the promising deeds like a Dhoomakethu. Therefore, the destruction of these people is as good as the sleep of Kumbhakarnna. These
people sow seed for the destruction of others and eventually face
self-destruction. These people criticize weaknesses and inabilities’ of others effectively
as thousand hooded fierce Adhishesha. I shall bow before Prithu Maharaj who
enthusiastically listens to the splendor of the Supreme Lord, it is unfortunate
people who eagerly listen to the criticism of others, and finds fault in others,
the wicked take pleasure in intoxicating drink, as if Lord Indra takes pride in
his Vajrayudha. I shall prostrate before all those living beings on this Earth,
no matter of their deeds.
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